Per Creation Model Explained:
You are not charged anything immediately after sign-up! You only pay for New Content.
While you are an Active Patron, you’ll receive a pending bill for each New Paid Release/Post on Patreon. Pending bills are paid at the end of each month/beginning of next or when you cancel your pledge.
We have 3-5 releases a month, but you can cap the number of releases you support during sign up (ex. you could cap at 2 releases, and would be charged 10$.)
Capping the number of releases you support does not effect your access to content. Someone who caps at 1 and pays 5$/month gets the same content as someone who doesn’t cap and pays ~25$. Access to the back-catalogue is likewise not effected by capping.
For more details and some examples, you can visit this Patreon Support Article.

The full License Agreement can be found here.
By accessing, downloading, modifying, distributing, or otherwise using any of our image files, maps, tokens, or other artwork, you are signifying that you understand, accept, and agree to all of the provisions of this Agreement. Yes, even if you didn’t read it!!!
All ownership, right, title, and interest in and to the Assets and Tokens belong to Forgotten Adventures. Our Assets and Tokens are protected under copyright law and international copyright treaties.
This license is attached to all of our files and also to all derivative works containing image files, maps, tokens or other artwork created by Forgotten Adventures.

Simplified / Readable version of the license
Below is a simplified summary of the License Agreement, only touching on the base points, Credit, and Fan-Content sections of the license (sharing content for free).
Receiving any compensation in exchange for your products is considered Commercial Use (Exception being donations detailed in Fan-Content Policy below). Which requires a Commercial License.
If you are interested in commercial use, firstly, read the full document.
Then you can fill out the Commercial Use Application.
This simplified version is in no way legally binding and you are advised to read the full legally binding document linked above for all the License details.

———— Simplified Summary ————
Forgotten Adventures owns all of our own work. The Forgotten Adventures license agreement lets you know what you are and aren’t allowed to do with our work.
You are allowed to do the following so long as you properly credit Forgotten Adventures:
- Create and distribute derivative works made with our content as Products for free under the fan-content license, or commercially under the commercial license
- A derivative work is something that is substantially different from our existing Assets and Tokens. Resulting work has to be substantially modified, remixed, Kitbashed, or otherwise altered work, made by you, based on one or more of Forgotten Adventure’s Assets or Tokens.
You are not allowed to:
- Redistribute our unmodified assets, tokens, or other artwork
- Create and distribute physical products made from our artwork
- Copy, distribute, modify, display, or use in any way outside personal use, any maps made by us
- Embed assets, tokens, or derivative works into mapmaking software, virtual table top programs, video games, or any other software programs

Proper Credit:
When displaying or distributing a Product, you are required to give proper credit to Forgotten Adventures.
At minimum, you must include a link to www.forgotten-adventures.net and a statement like “maps were created using assets from Forgotten Adventures,” or “tokens used in this stream were obtained from Forgotten Adventures” or something similar.
Posted Items.
For Products that are posted online, you may put the credits on the Product directly, or in the Product description. For something like a Reddit post, this might be done in the thread title or the initial comment.
For streaming or pre-recorded videos, you must include the link to www.forgotten-adventures.net in the video description. The “tokens used in this stream were obtained from Forgotten Adventures” language may either be in the video description or stated orally at some point during the first 2 minutes of the video.
Trademark Usage.
When giving us credit in a video or Product description, you may display our logo onscreen. However, you must display the logo exactly as it appears on our website. You are not allowed to add anything to, remove anything from, recolor, or otherwise modify our logo or any part of it. Using our name or logo does not give you any rights to them. Additionally, our name and logo should never appear directly on your map.
No Endorsement.
When crediting us, you must not do anything that would falsely suggest, whether expressly or impliedly, that we in any way approve, sponsor, are affiliated with, or are otherwise connected to you, your Products, or any of your other activities.

Simply put, a Product is anything that includes one or more derivative works, and is distributed as a unit (one map released separately, or bundle of several maps released together), and is intended for use as part of a tabletop-top role-playing game.
Products restrictions
- Map bundles may not contain more than [20] Unique Maps.
- Pre-Packaged Adventures may not contain more than [1] Unique Map plus [1] additional Unique Map per [650] words of text.
- In a Pre-Packaged Adventure, you may include [1] Tokens per [325] words of written text.
- Except as otherwise stated elsewhere in the Agreement, Tokens may not be distributed on their own.

Fan-Content License
If you are interested in distributing derivative works you have made for free, you can do so under the Fan-Content License. When we say “for free” we mean that you make the entirety of your Product freely available to everyone, with no portion behind any paywalls. In short, as long as you make your Product freely available to everyone then you may distribute your Product without any payment to us.
All the restrictions and terms mentioned above, and detailed in the license agreement still apply.
Products released under Fan-Content License can not be used commercially. This means you can’t gift a Product to someone for free, and then they sell it for money.
Further Fan-Content Details:
You are allowed to include your Products in live-streamed or recorded videos (e.g. Twitch, YouTube) as long as none of those videos are behind a paywall of any sort. (Other videos, ones that don’t include any Products, are allowed to be behind a paywall.)
Regardless of what we said above, you are allowed to accept donations (e.g. Twitch subscriptions) and receive advertising money (e.g. YouTube ad revenue, sponsored videos) connected to your use of Products, up to a total of $2000 per Month, so long as the content itself may be accessed for free.
If your earnings go above that threshold, you’ll have to apply for commercial use – as with everything, this is detailed in the full document.
Distribution of Tokens.
Under the Fan-Content License you may create and distribute Kitbashed or recolored Tokens on their own as long as:
- You are using only Tokens that we distribute for free; and
- For recolors, your recoloring is to a color that we don’t currently offer (regardless of whether we charge for it or offer it for free).

Commercial Licenses
Receiving any compensation in exchange for your products is considered Commercial Use (Exception being donations as detailed in Fan-Content License). Which requires a Commercial License.
If you are interested in commercial use, firstly, read the full license agreement.
Then you can fill out the Commercial Use Application.

Additional Things
Non-Exclusive Rights. We are constantly making new Assets, Tokens, and other items, including both brand new things and modifications and reworkings of our own past works. We don’t plan to copy anything that you make, but similarities may be inevitable.
By utilizing the license, you give up any right to sue us for releasing any Assets, Tokens, or other items that resemble yours, and, to the extent necessary, you give us license to create, distribute, modify, and publicly display and perform your Derivative Works.
License Duration, Modification, and Termination. The License lasts forever, until it gets terminated. We have the right to update, add to, subtract from, and otherwise modify the License Agreement as well as terminate the License under certain conditions. Such as Offensive Content, Breach of the License, Non-Payment, or At Will. All detailed in the full License Agreement document.

Again, this simplified version is in no way legally binding and you are advised to read the full legally binding document linked above for all the License details.
If after reading through the Forgotten Adventures License Agreement you determine you want to use Assets, Tokens, or Derivative Works in any way not allowed by the license agreement, then reach out to us at [email protected] to discuss a separate, unique license for your use case. Please be aware that we are very selective when setting up individual agreements. We have written our license with its current restrictions for a reason, and in general we don’t prefer to deviate from it much.